
SafeTowers Pvt. Ltd is proud to be awarded ISO 9001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certification in the Year of 2017 which are internationally recognized standard that ensures that our products and services meet the needs of our clients through an effective quality management system. We deliver Quality Products to our clients by a strict and consistent commitment to the specifications that achieve uniformity in the products to meet the intended use.

·  Thus our quality strategy is our core business strategy initiated by top management and flows down the line.

·  Our Quality Management system is right at the heart of our business extended well beyond the quality department.

·  We focus to understand how the organization currently works and identify the opportunities to improve

·  We educate our employees of the fierce competition in the business and strive to evolve innovative ideas in order to cater to the framed business strategy.

·  Implement the best possible verified ideas derived out of mutual discussions considering practical implications.

·  Monitor the extent of effectiveness of the actions taken and the same is revised if required.

·  Innovations get recognition. 

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